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Meet Christina Upham

Theta Healing Practitioner & Holistic Coach

Welcome to my site! My name is Christina, and I'm very excited to meet you! As a Theta Healing Practitioner, Shamanic Practitioner, and previous work as a Registered Nurse for 10 years, I combine my knowledge and skills of different lineages and areas of life to support you energetically, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. I believe that all ailments can be healed and patterns can be transformed, and I am dedicated to empowering you on your path to freedom and vitality!


Are you looking for more freedom, support, and understanding in your life? Are you looking for clarity on your life's path and purpose? Do you continue to have similar challenges and patterns you don't know how to release and get past? Do you have mental health concerns or health ailments that continue to worsen, and the healthcare system hasn't been able to help you with? Have you experienced unexplainable or unimaginable things, and have no one to turn to or talk to? I would love to help! Book a session with me online.


If you have questions about Theta Healing, wholistic coaching or if you want to check out if we are a good match to work together, book a free discovery call!


Having gone through my own healing journey with mental health, including PTSD, "adjustment and anxiety disorders", severe depression, gut health issues, a back injury and a spiritual crises, I am dedicated to supporting you on your healing journey. As someone who has had 10 years of experience as a former Registered Nurse, I can understand the difficulties one may face navigating life's challenges and the failing systems. I'm here to show you what's possible, and to empower you to achieve wholistic health, balance, purpose and supported mental health so that you may live an even better life than you could have ever imagined!

Experience Deep Healing and Transformation

Meet Christina
Why Naturopathy

Why Theta Healing & Wholistic Coaching?

It can help with


Emotional Healing

Allow yourself to delve deep into your feelings, and develop skills and tools to help release and nourish these parts of yourself. Bring more peace, emotional balance, and tools to lovingly ride the waves of your emotions, and allow them to show you parts of yourself that need healing.  

​Mind-Body Connection

Explore the connection between your thoughts, beliefs, and physical health to achieve overall well-being. Releasing these patterns for your overall health and freedom.




Embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-love, and personal growth to live an authentic and joyful life!

Feel more empowered in yourself and your gifts to take control and responsibility of your health, relationships and life with confidence and clarity!


Remember who you are as a sovereign being! 


Learn effective techniques and strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. Uncover the beliefs that may be running these stressors and unconscious programs. Allow more balance and peace into your life!

Stress Management

Spiritual Alignment

Connect deeper with your inner wisdom, develop your intuitive abilities, and learn to connect to your higher guidance and Source Consciousness. Feel more spiritually connected to yourself, others, and the natural world. 

Client Experiences

I have absolutely loved working with Christina. Her ability to not only guide me into my own experiences, and also to see things that I am not aware of is incredible. What I value the most about working with her is her ability to get right to the very core root of the problem / issue / belief that I am working with. This has been extremely powerful. I would highly recommend adding Christina as one of your trusted guides in deepening your self work, healing and expansion.

- Chris J.


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